29 August, 2008


July 3

June 30

leeda berlin 2006 :: collection inspired by films from W. Wenders and berlin architecture. photographer M. Novotny, film director T. Lunak and graphic designer O. Benesova co-collaborators.

24 August, 2008

October sky

Looking out our back porch at a chicago sunset. I received the most perfect words to wake up to this morning in my inbox. I cannot wait to be on a beautiful, peaceful, quiet island. Now I am just waiting patiently for more perfect words, from s. its so quiet. the quiet always covers me like a heavy blanket the first few days. I received some wonderful gifts as of late and plan to put them to good use.

21 August, 2008

crossing my fingers

August 28

hoping this room is available for our stay in vis. its perfect.

15 August, 2008

holga love

thinking and rethinking what i use to capture moments while we are in transit and i cannot help but love how my holga makes each image look so alive. we are still in the mountains, resting, hiking, eating.. loving the company and the rest. These images were taken in london last summer.

13 August, 2008

on our hike

holga snaps of london last summer...

oh! and just in case you didn't see, my website went live!

09 August, 2008

comforts of home life

while enjoying the comforts of being home for a few days we are also in preparations for a trip. These last few weeks flew by awfully quickly.. and I know these next few days, even weeks will be filled with much to digest. Growth is all around us, in our hearts and minds and in our hands... All of this growth brings so much joy.

07 August, 2008

flew somewhere for a few days

June 29

With people I love, in familiar places. I was enamored by the sky on my way home.